COVID 19 ACTION PLAN 2021-2022

COVID 19 ACTION PLAN 2021-2022

Staff have been trained on the COVID-19 suspected case management plan.
Aim: to take measures to prevent and effectively manage suspected Covid-19 cases in order to limit the spread of the virus to staff and guests.

PROACTIVE: Monitor for symptoms of COVID-19

It is strongly advised to regularly self monitor for common symptoms of COVID-19. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms of COVID-19 patients include: Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea

Please note that this list does not include all possible symptoms. If you feel unwell do not hesitate to contact us. Keep calm and let us know. We have an action plan that will make sure you are in good hands. If you notice anyone with any of the above symptoms please physically distance yourself and inform any member of our team. Please keep in mind to do this in a respectful manner. Medical Kit and laser thermometer available for our staff and guests: Temperature checks are underway for handling temperature detections of 37.5 degrees Celsius and above. Our staff is screened for symptoms prior to starting work.

Hotel log book and Incident report : For public health protection, we keep an updated record of staff members and all guests staying at the hotel – name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail), so that communication is possible if a coronavirus case is identified at a later time. In accordance with the GDPR and information will be kept on file for reasons of public health protection.


If a visitor or hotel employee shows symptoms compatible with COVID- 19 infection, the following applies:

1. The front desk is called to evaluate and keep a record of the incident.

If a guest develops symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, dry cough or tiredness, they should notify the front desk and seek medical advice by contacting local health authorities. The guest should isolate from others, including fellow travelers. If the guest cannot be isolated or staff need to enter the room, the ill person should put on a medical mask, and people nearby should also wear a mask.

2. If the patient is in urgent need of hospitalisation he/she is referred to the relevant Public Hospital of Heraklion: PAGNI OR VENIZELIO, as a suspected case of COVID-19.

3. If the patient shows mild symptoms, a sample for laboratory confirmation of COVID is obtained from the doctor. It is possible to perform PCR (60 euro cost) or rapid test (20 euro cost) directly at AFFIDEA, if any guest needs a test for safety stay or returning home: guest can book an appointment to the AFFIDEA medical centre (just 10 minutes walking from us at PL. Eleutherias 45). Front office team will help you further.

4. If the incident is assessed as possible COVID-19 by the examining doctor, the hotel health officer communicates IMMEDIATELY with the Greek National Public Health Organization, for instructions on how to deal with the suspected case.

5. The patient with mild symptoms remains in his / her room until the results of the laboratory test are announced.

6. During the above waiting period, the entry of staff into the patient’s room is avoided, if there is no significant reason. If necessary, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the possible case.

7. If confirmed as a case of COVID-19, the patient with mild symptoms is transferred to a special quarantine hotel (subject to change, according the Greek Public Health Guidelines instructions. The isolation (quarantine) hotels are near each entrance gate, as well as in other strategic points nationwide. The cost is covered by the Greek state and is treated as a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the designated quarantine hotel or transferred to a hospital if additional treatment is needed. OR the patient will remain at our hotel within his room: If the patient is NOT confirmed as a COVID-19 case, it is treated at the hotel with the instructions of the attending physician

8. The patient is transported with PPE (personal protective equipment) by private transport.

9. If there is a companion of the patient who wishes to stay close to him to take care of him (eg spouse), he/she should be given a simple surgical mask and advised to wash his/her hands every time he/she comes in contact with secretions of the patient (eg saliva) and definitely before the attendant touches his/her face or eats or drinks.

10. The patient’s contact details and his/her travel companion’s should always be recorded if consent is required for interventions where the patient cannot communicate.

11. Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) should be discarded in a bucket and never used again.

12. After disposing of protective equipment, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.

How is close contact (high exposure risk) defined with a COVID-19 case in a hotel?

  • A person who has had direct physical contact with a patient with COVID-19 (eg handshake)
  • A person with unprotected contact with infectious secretions from a patient with COVID-19
  • A person who had contact with a person in the same room as the suspect
  • A person who had “face to face” contact with a patient with COVID-19 at a distance <2 meters and for ≥ 15 minutes
  • A person who remained indoors with a patient with COVID-19 at a distance <2 meters and for ≥ 15 minutes
  • A passenger on the same aircraft, who was sitting at a distance of two rows of seats (in each direction) from the patient with COVID-19 infection, people traveling together or caring for the patient and crew members who served the specific part of the aircraft where the patient was sitting.

Immediately notify HOPA if you develop symptoms associated with COVID-19, within 14 days following departure.